Heat-Bulls Preview

Miami Heat Status Check:
Record: 56-14
Division: 12-1
Conference: 33-9
Road Record: 24-11
Last 10 Games: 10-0
Streak: Won 27
Last game: 108-94 win over Orlando
PPG: 103.5 (5th)
Opponents PPG: 95.5 (7th)
Offensive Rating: 112.7 (1st)
Defensive Rating: 104.0 (9th)
Pace: 90.8 (22nd)
Effective Field Goal Percentage: .549 (1st)
Turnover Percentage: .133 (8th)
Defensive Rebound Percentage: .728 (21st)
Offensive Rebound Percentage: .223 (26th)
Free Throws Per Field Goal Attempt: .226 (5th)
Opp. eFG%: .487 (9th)
Opp. TO%: .148 (3rd)
Opp. FT/FGA: .204 (16th)
Leading scorer: LeBron James (26.7)

Stats from Basketball-Reference

Miami Injury Report:
Dwyane Wade: questionable (sore knee)

Less than a year ago it was conceivable that the Bulls could beat the Heat in a playoff series. Chicago was the top seed in the Eastern Conference, despite a bunch of injured guys, with Miami in second. I wouldn’t have put money on the Bulls taking down Miami in a seven game battle, but I would have bet anything that it would be competitive and that Chicago would push the Heat to the brink.

Now, less than 12 months later, things have changed. Derrick Rose is still out, the Bulls have an almost entirely new bench and the Heat are playing out of their minds. Right now, the gap between the two teams is wider than LeBron’s headband.

Miami comes in on an absurd 27-game winning streak, the second longest in NBA history and six games away from tying the Lakers’ all-time mark of 33. The Bulls are on a two-game winning streak—just the second times they’ve won back-to-back games since the beginning of February.

While Miami’s superstar is playing at an all-time high and cruising to what should be another MVP, the Bulls are still awaiting the return of theirs.

All of this sounds like doom and gloom, but it may actually work out well for the Bulls. Miami has a tendency to come out of the gates slow. They’ve trailed four of their last last five opponents by double-digits and were tied with Orlando late in the third quarter.

The Bulls are a better team than any of those, and although they’ve blown leads of their own this season, if they can get on top of Miami their defense could carry them to a streak-ending victory.

All these things that are working against the Bulls—no Rose, the injuries—may end up working for them. This is Chicago’s championship. They always get up to play the Heat, whether it’s the regular season or playoffs. This hasn’t been “just another game” since Miami signed James, Wade and Bosh, even if the Bulls say it is. A game of this magnitude means more, and rightfully so.

But this meaning is more one-sided than it has ever been. When Rose was healthy, the Bulls were a threat to Miami. That meant the Heat wanted to crush the Bulls the same way the Bulls wanted to crush the Heat. That doesn’t seem to be the case now. Sans Rose, Chicago is just another stepping stone on the way to a spot in the Finals for Miami.

“We know that Chicago is going to be a tough game for us, and playing in that building,” LeBron James said. “We want to come out with our game plan … and give ourselves a chance to win.” Well the Bulls are just 19-16 in the United Center, and when the two teams met there in February, Chicago managed to score just 67 in a 19-point loss.

The Bulls shot 37.3 percent in that contest, compared to 50.7 for the Heat. Noah nearly had a triple-double, posting eleven points, eight rebounds and eight assists. But with the poor shooting and Chicago’s 27 turnovers, it wasn’t really close. That was Miami’s ninth straight win, which seems like forever ago.

The underdogs did get the better of the Heat when they met in Miami though, where the Bulls dominated the glass. Chicago grabbed 19 offensive rebounds to the Heat’s four and won the overall rebounding battle 48-28. Miami shot slightly better and had fewer turnovers, but that rebounding margin put the Bulls over the top, helping Chicago grab a 20-7 advantage in second chance points. An effort like that on the boards is how they are going to win this game. They scored just eleven second chance points when the two teams met in the United Center.

Chicago has enough trouble scoring, when going up against a good defense like Miami, the Bulls will need all the second chance points they can get.

The Bulls have against the Heat won without Rose before, this year and last year. But playing without Marco Belinelli (abdomen) and Noah (foot) would be an enormous hill to climb. With that said, John Lucas III scored 24 points in a game against Miami last season, leading the Bulls to a victory. So no matter what goes down tonight, crazier things have happened.

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63 Responses to Heat-Bulls Preview

  1. sarutkow@gmail.com'
    scott r March 27, 2013 at 12:22 pm #

    With Noah out, I don’t know how the Bulls will grab so many offensive rebounds.

    But…if the Bulls need a John Lucas, a player to have one scoring binge of the season, Kirk Hinrich hears our call. Follow him to glory!

  2. mark March 27, 2013 at 1:56 pm #

    I have a feeling this is going to be a live-by-Nate or die-by-Nate game … not always the most enjoyable ride to be on, but it does workout sometimes.

  3. Braedan Ritter March 27, 2013 at 2:22 pm #

    I am fully on board the Nate Robinson train. Seems like the logical choice to take the place of JL3. The Kirk Hinrich train would probably break down before it got to the station and then you would have to wait three weeks before it was fully healthy.

  4. sarutkow@gmail.com'
    scott r March 27, 2013 at 4:19 pm #

    Nate would be more CJ Watson. I feel like any time JL3 scored more than 10 points it was a blessing from the gods. Much like when Kirk stays healthy and scores 10pts.

  5. sarutkow@gmail.com'
    scott r March 28, 2013 at 8:18 am #

    “But…if the Bulls need a John Lucas, a player to have one scoring binge of the season, Kirk Hinrich hears our call. Follow him to glory!” – scott r

    Captain Kirk!! Your season is over. You’ve done your job.

  6. jraea1673@mail.com'
    Livia April 8, 2013 at 10:25 am #

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Vous avez vraiment de tr?sbons articles et je pense que je serais un atout. Si vous estimez que vous avez trop de travail, j?aimerais de r?diger des articles pour votre blog contre un lien retour vers mon site. Veuillez me tenir au courant si cela vous tente. Bonne journ?e!|Hello! Pouvez-vous partager la plateforme avec laquelle vous travaillez ? je souhaite cr?er mon propre site internet tr?s bient?t et j?ai des difficult?s ? choisir entre BlogEngine et blogger. En effet, votre style appara?t singulier de la plupart des blogs et je souhaite quelque chose de compl?tement diff?rent. P.S : Je suis d?sol?e pour ce hors-sujet , je mourrais d?envie de vous demander.|Bonjour! Je tenais juste ? vous signaler quelque chose. Les mots de vos articles paraissent sortir de l??cran quand j?utilise le navigateur Internet Explorer. J?ignore si c?est ? cause d?un soucis d?affichage ou de compatibilit? avec le navigateur mais j?ai pr?f?r? vous vous mettre au courant. , le style est vraiment cool ! 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Me recommandez-vous de d?buter avec une plateforme non payante comme Drupal ou d?opter pour une option p?cuni?re ? Il y a tellement d?options que je suis vraiment confuse. Des recommandations? !|Mon codeur tente de me convaincre de passer de PHP ? .net. Je n?ai jamais aim? l?id?e, en raison des d?penses que cela engendre. Mais il veut quand m?me essayer. Je me sers de WordPress sur une multitude de blogs depuis 2 ans et je suis tracass?e par rapport au passage sur une diff?rente plateforme. Je n?ai entendu que du bien de votre site. Y?a-t-il un moyen de transf?rer tout mon contenu joomla dessus ? Vos suggestions seront vraiment les bienvenues.|Ce matin, alors que je dormais,mon fr?re m?a vol?e mon ipad pour faire une exp?rience et voir s?il pouvait survivre ? une chute de huit m?tres, juste afin de cr?er un buzz. Il s?est cass? et la vid?o a plus de 83 commentaires sur Tweeter. Je sais que ?a n?a pas de rapport avec le sujet du post mais je devais partager ?a avec quelqu?un !|Votre blog a-t-il un lien pour vous contacter? J?ai quelques probl?mes ? la localiser, et je souhaiterais vous contacter par mail. J?ai quelques id?es pleines d?originalit? pour votre blog qui devraient vous tenter. Enfin bref, bonne id?e de blog, je suis impatiente de le voir ?voluer au fil du temps.|Je suis d??ue que vous n?ayiez pas de bouton de don ! J?aimerais sans aucun doute faire un don ? ce blog tr?s inventif ! Je suppose qu?en attendant, je me contenterai de vous inclure ? mes bookmarks et incluerai votre flux RSS ? mon compte Google. Je me languis de voir vos mises ? jour et de partager ce site avec mon groupe Facebook. A bient?t!|Bien le bonjour de Nantes! Je m?emmb?te au bureau, j?ai donc choisi de jeter un coup d??il ? votre blog depuis mon t?l?phone pendant ma pause. J?aime beaucoup l?information dont vous nous parlez ici et j?ai h?te de m?y pencher une fois ? la maison. Je suis ?tonn?e de voir la rapidit? avec laquelle votre site internet s?est transf?r? sur mon t?l?phone, super blog !|Je surfe sur votre blog occasionnellement et j?ai pens? que je vous f?liciterais dans votre super boulot!|Je suis d??ue seulement je ne peux pas vous exprimer ce que je pense tout de suite ? Je suis en retard pour une conf?rence? Je serai de retour tr?s vite vous donner mon point de vue sur ce sujet.|Hello! Je sais que c?est un peu hors sujet, mais bon je me permets de vous faire part de mes id?es. Seriez-vous tent? par un ?change de liens ou de communiqu?s sur nos sites respectifs ? Mon site traite de beaucoup de th?mes similaires aux votres et j?ai la conviction que nous pourrions tous les deux y trouver un avantage. Si vous ?tes tent?s, vous pourriez tout ? fait m?envoyer un email. Je suis impatiente de recevoir votre mail ! Assez bon site en tout cas !|Bonsoir! Bon,je sais que ?a n?a rien ? voir mais je me demandais si vous saviez le captcha de la page contact de mon blog wordpress? J?utilise la m?me plateforme que vous et j?ai quelques difficult?s ! !|Au depart , quand j?ai comment?, j?ai coch? la case ? me signaler quand des commentaires inn?dits sont ajout?s? et maintenant, ? chaque fois qu?un nouveau commentaire est publi?, je re?ois quatre messages contenant le m?me texte. Comment faire pour enlever ce service ? Mille merci!|Bonsoir! C?est la premi?re fois que je viens sur votre blog! Nous sommes plusieurs volontaires et nous lan?ons un nouveau projet dans une communaut? d?une m?me niche. Votre site internet nous a procur? des informations judicieuses. Un site bien agenc? en tout cas !|Bien le bonjour ! Je sais que ?a n?a rien ? voir seulement je me demandais de quel outil vous vous servez pour ce site internet ? Je suis lass? de Drupal .En effet, j?ai connu des probl?mes sur ce CMS avec des hack3rs et je recherche des alternatives pour me diriger vers une autre plateforme. Ce serait top si vous pouviez m?indiquez un lien de de CMS performant.|Hey Hey ! Ce site internet ne pouvait pas ?tre mieux ?crit. Le lire m?a rappel? une ancienne coll?gue ! Elle n?arr?tait pas de m?en parler. Je lui transmetterai le message. Je suis certaine qu?elle l?appr?ciera. Merci infiniment!|Hier, je me suis rendue {? la plage|en bor

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