Comments on: How Much Money Have the Bulls Saved, Really? Sat, 29 Aug 2015 20:25:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Brad S. Fri, 24 Oct 2014 00:51:33 +0000 (Sorry, …I got interrupted.)

The difference makers all spurned Chicago’s advances. If anything, I blame GarPax for not being good enough to recruit the big prizes. However, I cannot blame them for trying to be fiscally responsible once they lost out on the “championship caliber” talent.

By: Brad S. Thu, 23 Oct 2014 17:08:13 +0000 Hmmm. I need to re-read this a couple times to be sure I understand your argument. But in case I don’t get back to it, here’s my first reaction:

Although I love the obvious effort and thought you put into this post, I don’t agree with your conclusion. It feels like you have cherry picked players (where’s Boozer, Gasol, Mirotic, Salmons, etc). Also, your criticizing GarPax from hindsight, which is much easier than predicting the future as a GM is required to do. (Did anyone think Deng would land such a poor contract after watching the other SF’s on the market get paid?)

Finally, are any of those former players the difference-maker that gets the Bulls a title? No.
