Comments on: Free Agent Watch: Joe Johnson struggles as the Hawks fall at home Sat, 29 Aug 2015 20:25:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ryan Fri, 07 May 2010 17:18:01 +0000 Why do most think we need a big man first? This isn’t 2006. Noah plays both sides of the court, Taj is consistent, JJ will be here, Asik may come over, Warrick may stay, and Miller seems he will come back. For SG’s we have Kirk (who is really a PG), Brown and Law will be gone (expiring contracts), leaving Flip and Pargo as a possibility to resign.

I can give you a starting front court with backups, but I could not give you a starting or bench for the back court.

By: BULL4EVER Sun, 02 May 2010 16:17:40 +0000 Chicago totally needs free-agent help from Bosh,Johnson,Nowitski,Boozer or Stoudemire because these five would be the best fits for Chicago,especially Chris Bosh.D’wade or LeBron won’t even be Chicago’s answer to returning to glory after Jordan and Pippen because this Chicago team needs low-post help from centers/forwards,not guards.

By: inkybreath Sat, 01 May 2010 01:49:18 +0000 It finally happened. I am ready for Hinrich to take a permanent spot on the bench or be traded. Deep down, I am hoping he can be here and enjoy the success that may be on the way, but I can’t have a shooting guard who is afraid of going to the dish in this league. We have suffered long enough now (I now, not as much as some …) I want a team rife with finishers. In the playoffs this year, there were some key moments, where Hinrich rushed the ball up court and just looped in and out of the free throw line. He is capable, of course, but not consistent. And, I really thought he would find a consistent stroke to finish the year, but I was not happy with his shooting. The further point may be that, especially now, as he is on the other side of his physical arc, he is not a strong shooter. Take Jamal Crawford – he can take jump shots from all over the court, up to the half-court line and in a variety of fades. I can’t even root too hard for him to be off the team, no matter what … so I guess I am just rooting for the bench. We could even say that if the Bulls get a guard that Hinrich can beat out of a starting spot, they have already failed. (Still, the more I think of it, the more I am strangely interested to watch Hinrich defend Rose for an entire game …)

By: PTFC Fri, 30 Apr 2010 13:08:59 +0000 Bigs wins games and championship (unless you have michael jordan). Size matters. Easy points in the paint scoring matters.

Shaq (LA, Miami), Duncan (spurs), Robinson (spurs), Gasol/bynum (LA), Ben and Rasheed (pistons), Olajawon (Rockets)

I just named all the teams that have won championships (without a guy name michael jordan) in the last 20 years. One thing in common dominate big men that played both ends of the floor. This is not a coincidence.

It’s more important that the Bulls get more talent in the front court, offensively, for Noah and Gibson can take care of the defense and rebounding in the paint.

By: Dj Fri, 30 Apr 2010 05:57:47 +0000 I agree with most of u people about Joe Johnson I really like him over D.Wade but, for the money he is asking for this off season it is too much. People lets not forget he is turning 30 or 31 years old next season and he wants a 4-5 year contract. Hint: another Ben Wallace type of player. As he gets older his numbers will only decrease like: Ray Allen and T-Mac and the Bulls don’t want to make that same mistake again if they give him the max contract!

People like I said b4 the Bulls top priority should be to sign a big guy this summer like: Chris Bosh (which I highly doubt he will come here) or David Lee not a top SG 1st! They need another talented big guy that can help J. Noah scoring inside the painted area. That way the Bulls don’t have to take to many jump shots when they are shooting at a low percentage.

After the Bulls sign a top PF big guy, then they should focuses on getting a taller SG that won’t cost them that much money, that can hit 3’s like: Anthony Morrow, Kelenna Azubuike, Kyle Korver or Rasual Butler to a 2-3 year contract.

If u think about it people if the Bulls get Monte Ellis like Sam Smith said on in a trade deal involving Kirk Hinrich and James Johnson (I think) then the Bulls will run into that same situation again like BG last year. Plus Ellis is a smaller lighter SG and likes to control the basketball a lot just like D-Wade. Which is another reason why I believe if the Bulls can get either one of these 2 players it will not work out with D. Rose.

If the Bulls can manage to do a sign and trade deal to improve their team, I would rather trade L. Deng for Rudy Gay in a heart beat and if I have to give up James Johnson or my 2nd round draft pick I would do it. It’s not like I don’t like Deng, it’s just that he is not a good quick 3 point shooter that the Bulls need and he takes to many jump shots and he is an injury risk type of player.

So here is my 2010-2011 13 player roster:
PG: D. Rose
SG: K. Hinrich or Anthony Morrow or Kyle Korver (hopefully)
SF: Rudy Gay
PF: David Lee (hopefully)
C: J. Noah
SG: K. Hinrich or Anthony Morrow or Kyle Korver (hopefully)
PF: Taj Gibson
SF: James Johnson (if he is not traded)
C: Brad Miller or Omir Asik (if Brad Miller leaves)
C: Chris Richard or Omir Asik (if Brad Miller stays)
C: (Bulls 1st round draft pick hopefully)
SF: (Bulls 2nd round draft pick, if they don’t trade him away)
PG or SF: Acie Law or Joe Alexander
SG: Derrick Byers (maybe)

Then the Bulls are set to make a stronger run into the playoffs next season with that monster line-up!


By: joe Fri, 30 Apr 2010 02:12:23 +0000 “I would rather take a chance on a young shooter like anthony morrow than overpay for Joe Johnson”

I’m skeptical Joe Johnson will get a max offer from Chicago and think they’ll work out some trade rather than overpay a FA, not named James or Wade.

Morrow’s a spot up shooter and hard worker but he’s not been that successful. He’d do well with Rose at PG, and did not do not so well with shoot happy Monta Ellis pounding the ball.

By: C-Lo_The_Great Fri, 30 Apr 2010 01:45:32 +0000 YAY!!!!!!!!!!!
omir asik
mayb he turns out to b next dirk
seriously tho
whts up with derrick byers?

By: BigUpsTo#15 Fri, 30 Apr 2010 00:23:49 +0000 The biggest mistake the Bulls can make is signing Joe Johnson to a max contract… how has anyone forgotten that this guy thinks he is superstar?

All he can ever dream to be, and isn’t even one, is a 20-10-50 guy(see, And before you start defending him saying his team won 50 games, remember he doesn’t come close to averaging 10rbs or 10asts per game. He reminds me of a taller Gilbert Arenas who can score a bunch of points when they are pretty much the only option on the team. Don’t forget how low his scoring averages used to be (9.8, 16.7, 17.1) and that was playing with STEVE NASH and the Phoenix “high flying shoot the damn ball in 7 seconds or less” Suns, whose other players scoring averages were grossly inflated under the same circumstances (see, Quentin Richardson, Shawn Marion)

He is nothing more than a good player that can put up points if he is the best player on the team (see, Gilbert Arenas, Danny Granger, Monta Ellis)… and in my opinion I think D-Rose is much better than JJ. The only way this offseason will not be a bust is if the Bulls sign Amare, King Crab, Wade or Bosh) but I assure you Joe Johnson will not make the Bulls a title contender.

By: bobbysimmons Thu, 29 Apr 2010 21:47:46 +0000 btw Bulls brass has mentioned that 2008 draftee Omer Asik will likely be joining the team next season. He’s a 7 footer. I don’t know much about this guy except that the Bulls gave up 3 2nd round draft picks for this guy back in 08. Also the Bulls have a short history with Eastern Euro players who turned out oh so well for us: Dalibor Bagaric, Dragan Tarlac, Kornel David, which means I’m really expecting a lot here.

By: dlouis Thu, 29 Apr 2010 21:38:58 +0000 Looking Mike Miller’s threes on Synergy, he shot 50.5% on spot ups, 61.1% off screens, and 52.4% in transition. I would love this guy if we get Bosh.
