Comments on: In Memoriam: The Double Nickel Sat, 29 Aug 2015 20:25:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Flipjack Sun, 08 Feb 2009 02:58:22 +0000 I’d take By the Horns over that crappy excuse of a blog they call Blog-a-Bull anytime. Man, that blog just doesn’t have anything other than bad writing, obsessive Ben “the foot” Gordon homers, and fan posters who post nothing but BS and idiotic trade ideas. Problem with that place is that they take things waaaayyy too seriously for their own good. In fact, I think Blazer’s Edge is the only really worthwhile SB Nation blog out there.

Anyway, this is a good token nostalgic piece, Matt. Be looking forward to your next posts.

By: tony.pipptana Sun, 08 Feb 2009 02:03:52 +0000 Hold on, there, Nicky C. Are you familiar with the English language? Have you ever encountered the letters ‘ed’ at the end of a word before? Now, I know, English is tricky. Things don’t always follow the rules. However, when you add that morpheme to the end of a verb, it relegates the verb to the past tense. For example, “Kobe dropped 61 points on the Knicks.” Does that mean that, while you read this, Kobe is still scoring points against the Knicks, right now? And, this goes for everyone who attacked the “WHEN I WAS A KID, I hatED MJ,” statement (my emphasis): pay attention, you’re missing the point.

By: Cammie Damme Sun, 08 Feb 2009 00:37:40 +0000 You guys sound like the nerds who whine that the prom queen could do so much better, and the reason she’s not in love with you is because she hasn’t met you yet, not because her boyfriend is hotter, funnier and has a cooler car than you.
So here’s your big chance…Start a blog about your beloved team. Update it every day (sometimes twice). Make it clever and insightful. Make sure you list your credentials: a life-long obsession, a proven ability to write about sports, and the fact that your first tattoo and first nocturnal emission all involved Mikey.
Then everyone will really see how you are the best blogger for the Bulls, and what a poser By the Horns is.

By: Lord Henry Sat, 07 Feb 2009 02:35:58 +0000 “You just openly told the bullsnation that you hate our God.”

I’m a bad person, I guess. I couldn’t read the above statement without laughing hysterically.

I loved watching the bulls in the 90s, it was one of the things me and my dad had in common, and when Jordan came back, it was great to sit down and watch the second championship run with my old man, great memories.

However, I must admit I was kinda rooting for the sonics and jazz during the second run, and it was sad to watch Malone, Stockton, Kemp, and Payton’s dreams be destroyed by Jordan’s refusal to lose.

By: Nicky C Sat, 07 Feb 2009 01:16:55 +0000 AK Dave,

Valid argument with the America/Canadian/blogging analogy, but I still think you are missing the point. You are mistaken because I am not saying I won’t read the blog because the author wasn’t “a fan of Jordan from the beginning,” but rather for the fact that the author runs a Chicago Bulls blog, and he felt/feels hatred for the eternal face of the franchise (and basketball for that matter). It just doesn’t make sense. Can you have a Celtics blog with an author who hates Bird, or a Lakers blog with an author that hates Magic? I don’t care if you have all the respect in the world for their basketball talents and abilities, but if you aren’t a fan while you are representing that player’s team, then something is wrong. I am not saying it is wrong to hate MJ; I would too if I were a fan of any other team in the NBA during the 90’s (luckily, I was not). But what I am saying is that it is absolutely absurd to “hate” MJ when you are supposedly a Bulls fan who runs a Bulls blog. Absolutely asinine. And I still think you don’t get it because to us here, Jordan is truly a god, and it cuts us deep when we hear anything negative about him, especially from a Bulls blogmaster!!!



I apologize if it seems like I am personally attacking you and the credibility of your blog – that is not the intent. While I am baffled by your choice to be a Bulls fan / Jordan hater, I want you to know that I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts on both of your blogs. You have great insight, and you are ridiculously funny. If you weren’t getting these sort of passionate responses, then you wouldn’t be doing a good job. Keep up the good work.


Nicky C

By: AK Dave Sat, 07 Feb 2009 00:27:53 +0000 Nicky-C:

1) God Bless America
2) OMG MJ Rulz!

Now if I write a crappy blog, would you read it? I understand WHY people are bent out of shape, but I just think it’s a little bit silly.

A) A guy grows up in Indiana and roots for his home team
B) He dislikes the player who beats his home team
C) Upon growing up and observing history objectively, he comes to fully understand the greatness of said player and heaps praise upon him.
D) People flip a gasket because the guy wasn’t a fan “from the beginning”.

OK, whatever. But that’s just like saying “I don’t care if you are American now, even if you pledge allegiance to the flag, you used to be Canadian, and you liked fries with gravy, so I won’t read your blog.”

Happy Friday people.

San Dimas High School Football Rules!!!

By: PT from Oaktown Fri, 06 Feb 2009 21:46:38 +0000 WTF? Yeah I like this blog, I can understand we all have our teams, I guess I just wish the writer would do two things, 1. be a REAL hard core bulls fan and 2. make a post of why in the hell can Tyrus and Drew Gooden think they it is acceptable for either of them to shoot from outside, especially when they are guarded. Is that too much to ask for?

By: Nicky C Fri, 06 Feb 2009 21:11:01 +0000 AK Dave,

I think you are missing the point – to a genuine Chicago Bulls native and fan, one who has been with the Bulls through the thick (the Jordan era) and the thin (the Fizer/ERob/JWill/Jalen/Crawford/Curry eras), saying you hate Jordan on a Bulls blog is the equivalent to “[refusing] to wear an American flag pin” at a Veteran’s Day rally. Just as the latter is Un-American, the former is the cardinal sin to Bulls fans everywhere. I guess you can’t understand that if you are not a true Bulls fan. The closest analogy I can come up with is if the blogger for your favorite team (sounds like the Jazz?) said they used to hate “JohnKarl StocktonMalone”; it’s a heartbreak and a scandal! On the other hand, it would also be hard for you to relate, considering Jordan denied all of your aforementioned players rings, and combined, Stockton, Malone, Reggie, and Kemp don’t amount to what Jordan was (and still is, apparently) to their respective sports kingdom. Jordan is our pride and joy, and he always will be.

By: AK Dave Fri, 06 Feb 2009 20:39:41 +0000 Oh, oh, yeah, and I almost forgot:

Matt, dude, you’re going to let flu-like symptoms stand between your readers and the material in your brain dying to be blogged? Come on man, you’re better than that. Take some cough syrup with codeine, go grab your snuggie, sit down and get blogging on Basketbawful!


By: AK Dave Fri, 06 Feb 2009 20:34:13 +0000 Holy smokes, people, it’s not like Matt refused to wear an American flag pin on his lapel or something- let’s not burn the guy at the stake for being a fan of another team.

I’m in the same boat- I loved Reggie Miller and Shawn Kemp and JohnKarl StocktonMalone, and Jordan ruined all of their collective lives with his unwillingness to lose. Greatest player ever? Greatest player ever. But it sure is hard to watch that guy play against your team.

Anyway saying “I won’t read your blog because you said you didn’t like MJ” is a little bit silly, people. I’ve read Blog-a-Bull, I wasn’t impressed. I’m not even a huge Bulls fan, but I read this blog because the writer can write.

This post really took me back to what I consider the “glory days” of NBA Basketball, and that really made my Friday. Thanks By the Horns!

Oh, and memo to Chicago- the ’85 Bears are gone. It’s over, man. 24 years and you still play the “Super Bowl Shuffle” (OK, nevermind, that can stay) It’s time to move on. It’s time… to move… on.
